19: You might love this type of internship
The Lane 9 Podcast - En podcast af Heather Caplan RDN and Alexis Fairbanks

Kylie Mitchell is baaaack! You may know her as ImmaEATthat, on instagram and through her Eating Disorder (ED) recovery blog (immaeatthat.com). We talk about her new pregnancy feels, body changes, and how that first trimester has felt for her. (She also has some thoughts on pregnancy books, and which ones may not be worth a read.) We answer a listener’s question, cover some news in the ED world, and Kylie gets real about why she originally started posting recipes to her blog. Bonus: Some well thought-out ideas on how to revamp the dietetic internship experience. It involves less Jell-o and more Netflix. BTW, have you taken the RD Real Talk Listener Survey? I want to know what you want more (or less) of on the show! Take it---> hdcrd.typeform.com/to/JuJARt (Thanks!) Listener question: How are stress, amenorrhea, and moodiness related? (The negative loop of emotions is something I’ve experienced, as well.) Resource plugs: Kylie’s site, the nonprofit I started in DC called the Lane 9 Project, and Robyn Coale’s Real Life RD. In the news: A genomic study of anorexia nervosa—how much of an ED is nature vs. nurture? Kylie Mitchell: @immaeatthat (Twitter and Instagram), immaeatthat.com