89: How to Embrace the Satisfaction Factor

The Lane 9 Podcast - En podcast af Heather Caplan RDN and Alexis Fairbanks

Replay! Paige Smathers, dietitian and host of the podcast Nutrition Matters, joins me to dive into the sixth principle of Intuitive Eating. Satisfaction is different than satiety, but it can take some time to identify their unique qualities. Our diet-focused culture has a hard time with satisfaction, as it implies feeling pleasure in your food experiences. Our clients have struggled with this principle, as it requires coming to peace with our food preferences and cravings.  Links we talk about on the episode:  Don't Let Trader Joe's Make You Feel Guilty About Eating Paige's podcast episode about Intuitive Eating  10 Principles of Intuitive Eating Read the book: Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works Other stuff: Join the extended podcast conversations and meet fellow real-talkers by joining our community,Patreon.com/RdRealTalk Learn more about Weight Inclusive Nutrition & Dietetics education and events.  Your host, Heather Caplan: HeatherCaplan.com, @heatherDCRD, @RDRealTalk Have you left a review on iTunes yet? If not, please do! Click here and tap the stars. Questions or requests for the show? Reach out: RDRealTalk @ Gmail.com

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