340. EASY Strategy for Boosting (Peri-) Menopausal Metabolism

As we get older, and especially a we enter midlife, it can feel like our metabolism is decreasing while our mid-section is increasing. But that’s just what happens when we hit middle age - it’s inevitable, right? What if I were to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. And the solution is so much simpler than you might think! Meet my friend Emily, who at 49-years-old was starting to see the number on the scale start creeping up. We discussed adjustments to her habits she could consider, but ultimately my advice was “if you’re only going to do one thing, this is what is should be.” Wondering if it could work for you too? Grab a pen and get ready for my number one piece of advice for revving up your metabolism and reversing your growing midsection. I’m going to introduce you to the concept of NEAT - non-exercise-activity-thermogenesis - and why it might be the closest thing to a Magic Bullet for boosting metabolism and preventing midlife weight gain. More Resources & Links Need help getting started! Get Megan’s FREE 5-Day Jumpstart Tips guide! The Jumpstart 30 Program for Beginners 324. Menopausal Belly Fat & Why It’s Killing You https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(17)30602-X/fulltext https://www.jadeteta.com/blog/female-belly-fat-stress-menopause-other-causes Follow Megan on Instagram Follow Megan on YouTube

Om Podcasten

Megan Dahlman, certified trainer and nutrition coach, is on a mission to help every woman - no matter her age - feel strong, healthy and confident in her body. In a culture that overcomplicates everything, this podcast will be a breath of fresh air! Self Care Simplified meets you right where you’re at, giving you simple, sustainable tips so you can feel fully functional and pain-free—in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond. If you're looking for expert self-care advice combined with grace-filled motivation to help you feel your physical best, this is it!