420. 10,000 Steps a Day? The Shocking Truth About Walking & What to Do NOW
Self Care Simplified - En podcast af Megan Dahlman

10,000 steps a day. We often think of this as the gold standard for movement. But is hitting that 10,000 step goal enough to actually impact your health and fitness? In this episode, we’ll dive into the pros and cons of walking for fitness. I’ll discuss things walking CAN do for you, and things walking CAN’T do for you. Then we’ll dive into how you can go beyond walking to start building strength, increasing mobility and improving your overall fitness TODAY! Use Coupon CODE: NEWYEAR25 from 12/31/24 - 01/04/25 to receive 25% off PLUS a free pair of Mini-bands shipped for FREE. More Resources & Links Need help getting started! Get Megan’s FREE 5-Day Jumpstart Tips guide! The Jumpstart 30 Program for Beginners FREE 5-Day Core Tune Up - A free mini-course to dramatically improve your functional core strength, create better alignment, and relieve back and hip pain for good! Megan’s revolutionary Back & Hip Fix 30-day program Find out your body type! Take the FREE Body Type Quiz now! Create My Routine - Download my free routine creator! Total Nutrition Reset - reset your eating habits and establish healthy food choices for life in just 30 days! FREE! - Download my free report on the Three Eating Dangers to Avoid to Reset Your Eating Habits Follow Megan on Instagram