Welcome Baby Reuben

Welcome to The Nourished Wrap fam baby Reuben! It’s been 3 months. The elusive fourth trimester. Jess shares it all in the latest episode of The Nourished Wrap Podcast with Katie. Jess tells her birth story (a natural home birth flipped on its head - a lot of lessons learnt here for everyone), ideas on getting through labour, how she navigated through the fog of the newborn stage, how to ensure your food stays nutritious when you have minus 3 hours to yourself, lifestyle factors & ideas on how to keep yourself in check, key nutrients needed to sustain being a new mum, how to prevent serious post natal depletion, managing the sleep deprivation & other random bits & bobs. The Nourished Wrap has been following Jess’s journey from the very beginning. From an unhealthy, food restricted, no period for 5 years girl labeled with PCOS to using nutrition & lifestyle to get a period back & fall pregnant. Episodes include PCOS, pregnancy nutrition and home straight update. Check them out and thank you for tuning in - we know you’ll get a lot out of them! 

Om Podcasten

Welcome to The Happy Apple Podcast, bought to you by me, Katie King aka The Balanced Nutritionist. I live in Brisbane, Australia, but I work via telehealth so I reach people all around Australia and occasionally abroad.The Happy Apple podcast drops monthly, covering a wide variety of health topics but we ALWAYS try to keep the conversation positive and happy. Food should not be a source of stress.... it can be BOTH nutritious and delicious at the same time. I'm here to remind you that healthy food is fun and exciting and its ok to have an apple in one hand and the occasional croissant in the other! We rebranded this podcast in early 2021, so some of the older episodes will be under the old title 'The Nourished Wrap' - all of the episodes are worth listening too, in my opinion.To access my services, you can visit my website. I have a number of different online courses you can do from your own home or you can book a consultation with me. I also offer workplace solutions for corporate wellness.Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the show.